Thursday 26 December 2013

In a Flurry

In the sudden beauty that is you
I find myself a flutter,
Not knowing which way to turn towards
But consciously seeing the light
That appears strangely connected
To another spectrum of life

Awkward metaphors
Leaving a pleasant sensation in one’s mouth
Tingling at my vivid imagery
Of what may entail
And what is destined to come

Can there be such tales of enchantment
Or pure gestures of care and love
Exist in this world of ambiguity
To explode and implode
Simultaneously, without knowledge

My mind is set in a daze
I dream and wonder
Question and berate
Do I dare set foot,
In unexplainable territories
Do I retreat…
Into comfort, familiarity, commonness

Darn those cupid arrows
Dost thou make it such an arduous task?

Can there be simplicity
Or shall I have to avail in dealing with complexities
Seeking answers in far reaching places


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