Wednesday 29 February 2012


I stare out the window
I look beyond the horizon
My mind is playing a thousand films
Like stills on a movie reel

I wonder what is out there
My memories of yonder
Eclectically mysterious
Yet beautifully unforgettable

Solace I seek
As my soul yearns for meaning
Daydreams of sweet reminisce
Quaintly tucked away, in a bliss

Silhouettes of the future
Faintly acting out its fate
So splendidly displayed
Like a sensuous cup of tea

I'm daydreaming...
My escape into the imagine

A Caffe Latte...and a Ponder Away

Sitting in a cafe
Indulging in a Cafe Latte
Watching people come and go
All deep in their own worlds

The little group in the corner
Snickering and laughing
Enjoying each other's company
As though there were no worries in the world

The executive taps on his laptop
While talking on his blue tooth
Sounding seemingly important, 
Yet unknowingly pretentious

The lovely old couple
Sitting hand in hand, intertwining their fingers
The lady's head rests dutifully on her husband's shoulder
Years of adoration and care
Never aged either, making them look
like the youngest couple in the room

A young family thrudges in
A set of parents and two toddlers in tow
Wanting to keep peace , but to no avail
One screaming baby and a mischevious kid
You could see the stress on the parents' faces
Yet the love for their children is undeniable

still sipping my caffe latte
continuing to ponder about my next step
contemplating life's adventures
That God has set before me

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Making peace...

Can we ever see past the trials
Can we ever overcome the tribulations
Are we set to live life that others have mapped out
Not knowing whether we'd ever be more than just...

Can we unlearn what we've learnt?
Can we un-experience what we've gone through?
Do we want to be someone else in the meantime?
Just so we don't feel used...
Just so we don't feel hurt...
Just so we don't cry anymore...

But perhaps it is best to go through it...
To feel like life isn't as easy as it seems
To face it with your head screwed on...
maybe not so tight but a little loose ..
...and a bit tilted to the side...

Who knows what may come
In the next second, minute, hour or day
Do we smile, laugh, frown or sob
Do we whine, enjoy, rebel or just plain sulk
I wouldn't you?

We mope about the bad things
As if the world revolves us little beings
When there is more to look forward to
Then just the simple problems we make them out to be

Being at peace with ourselves
is probably more important
than barking at the neighbour...
or the driver who doesn't seem to know what he's doing
Because if we don't love ourselves first
We can never properly love those around us

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Knock Knock...

Who's there?
Who's me?
You know... me!
Yeah, I said that it's you...but who's you?
You should know by now who I am...
How would I know who you are
I'm you...
No way!
Yes way!
How so?
Just because...
No reason?
That can't be...
why not?
No need to have one...
that can't be!
There is no need for one...
Are you sure?
Pretty much!
I don't believe you. gotta...
why should I?
Because I am you?
Where's the proof?
Why should there be?
I don't tell me?
I'm asking you...
oh come on!!!
Don't argue...just accept.
I am not...I just want proof!
You don't need proof...just believe...

musings of the innovative baker © 2010

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