Friday 7 October 2011


There are too many people,
The crowds are overwhelming,
The noise is overpowering,
The traffic all too consuming.

I can't see you,
I need to perch above the sea of bopping heads,
I can't find where you are,
There's just too many,
My head's a blur,
I can't see straight.

Why am I so lost
Yet so clear minded at the same time,
Why can't I think straight,
Yet remaining so undeniably focused.

What am I to make of it,
A lost lamb in a large plain,
How am I to understand this,
When nothing seems to make sense.

A flurry, you sent me into,
A flutter, goes my heart,
Butterflies and moths,
Float in my quizzical mind,
With thoughts dotting in and out of it
not entirely comprehensible.

The not knowing,
Is making me tired,
Exhausted even.
The effort to understand,
causes more anxiety
rather than calming my saddened soul.

Is it better to not understand
or seek reasons for anything at all
Perhaps creating excuses,
Is far better than justifying anything,
logically or not.


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